Author: Dr. Kathyaini V S          

Qualification : MBBS, DGO, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine

ICSI Technology and Everything You Need to Know About It

Medical jargon can often seem intimidating to those unfamiliar with it. Most things that you hear or see are worded in an unfamiliar way. However, like any other jargon, understanding the core essence of the matter at hand will take you much further in understanding a subject than simply remembering big words. Healthcare is essential to everybody and understanding it well as you acquire it is essential to your benefit.

Fertility treatments may similarly seem varied, simply due to the sheer range of techniques and methods that have been put to practice in the last few decades. The wide variety of methods in fertility treatments reflect the greater understanding of the human anatomy that has been recently honed and cultivated. Our series of blogs will aim to inform you on some of these techniques, so that you know what to expect when you consult a doctor regarding fertility advice.

ICSI procedure might not be used for everyone. This blog will be talking about Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. Simply put, it is a technique where a single sperm is injected directly into the egg in order to increase the chances of producing a healthy embryo. It is generally done if the male does not have sufficient amounts of healthy sperm to effectively fertilize an egg. Though, it is not always the first choice, it is suggested depending on the circumstances and fertility tests.

ICSI treatment has been a game changer in IVF procedures. This technique enables us to help a man struggling with fertility due to a myriad of reasons. Surveys have shown that as a man gets older, the number of quality sperms reduces. A study conducted by The Centre for Reproductive & Genetic Health proved that while 61% of men under 51 had quality sperm, only 41% of men above 51 had quality sperm. Quality sperm is important to consider, as it is different from an individual having a sufficient number of sperms. In order for a sperm to be healthy and fertile, it must not only be present in good quantities, but also must be shaped normally, swim in the correct direction, and swim at the right speed. All of these factors play an important role in how successful a man might be in fertilizing an egg.

In order for an IVF procedure to be successful without ICSI process, it requires 50,000 – 1,00,000 normal and healthy sperms to effectively fertilize an egg. In the event of procuring inadequate sperm from a man, ICSI is a useful technique to ensure maximum success.

The ICSI step by step procedure is as follows:

  • Healthy eggs are extracted from the woman’s womb as part of a step in IVF.
  • Once they are retrieved, every egg is injected with a single sperm to initiate fertilization. This procedure is known as intracytoplasmic injection.
  • The embryos that were successfully fertilized are then monitored closely in a lab using EmbryoScope technology.
  • Once the embryos have been monitored, the healthiest one is selected and then transferred into the mother’s uterus. If there are high amounts of healthy embryos, they are frozen and preserved for future transfers if required.

The success rates of consecutive implantation but in general the ICSI success rate range anywhere between 75 and 85 percent. Once the embryo is transferred into the woman’s uterus, it depends on a lot of factors for it to be a successful implantation. The woman’s health and pH value play a significant role in ensuring the success of ICSI pregnancy. These matters are best discussed with trained professionals who have a legacy in understanding the human body. While a general understanding is always crucial to smoothening the process, the importance of a professional cannot be understated. They will guide you through the process smoothly and make sure that you fulfill your dreams with the utmost comfort.

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