Author: Dr. Shruti N Mane
Qualification: M.B.B.S, M.S (OBG), PG Diploma in ART AND Reproductive Medicine
PCOS and Fertility: Diet Tips To Get Pregnant
Polycystic ovary syndrome also known as PCOS is one of the most common reproductive disorders seen in women of child-bearing age group. It presents with irregular menstrual cycle, facial hair, obesity, defects in ovulation, and multiple cysts in the ovary. Women with PCOS are prone to conditions like endometrial cancer, diabetes, and cardiac issues in the long run.
The condition increases the risk of infertility and negative outcomes in pregnancy. According to statistics, 80% of women with anovulatory infertility have PCOS. There is an increase in weight gain and insulin resistance. It severely affects the reproductive health of women.

There are medical options to treat infertility in PCOS. However, before beginning therapy, it is crucial to manage the condition with lifestyle modifications. Considering the factors like insulin resistance and obesity, diet has a significant role in managing PCOS symptoms and overcoming infertility.
Women with PCOS often face difficulties getting pregnant. However, following a strict lifestyle and a healthy PCOS diet, you can overcome the problem. This blog will share insights from a fertility specialist on polycystic ovary syndrome and the fertility diet that can get you pregnant.
Can Women With PCOS Become Pregnant?
It is possible for women with PCOS to conceive naturally, but the chances of infertility are high. Insulin resistance is one of the root causes of infertility. It will lead to irregular menstruation and affects ovulation (release of eggs from the ovary).
Adopting a healthy balanced diet to control the insulin levels will reduce male hormones (androgens) in a woman’s body. This in turn will maintain a hormonal balance and control the PCOS symptoms. If you are trying to get pregnant, you must follow a long-term and strict diet plan.
Along with the diet and lifestyle modifications, medications for inducing ovulation, and assisted reproductive techniques (ART) can help one get pregnant. If you want to know more about PCOS and pregnancy, you can visit a fertility specialist at Motherhood Fertility & IVF Center.
PCOS Diet Tips to Get Pregnant
Fertility specialists and nutritionists stress on the fact that a healthy PCOS diet can reverse the symptoms and increase the chances of healthy pregnancy in women. Here are some dietary tips you must stick to, if you are trying to get pregnant.
Low Glycemic index food: Now you know that insulin resistance is a major culprit in worsening infertility in Pcos. So, incorporate food that will not increase insulin resistance notably. Food with low glycemic index takes a long time to digest in the body. Therefore the blood sugar level rises gradually. It will control insulin resistance and reduce the symptoms.
Low glycemic index foods you must include in your diet to get pregnant are:
- Legumes: lentils, kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas, and navy beans.
- Whole grains: Barley. Quinoa, whole grain oats, and buckwheat.
- Vegetables: Cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, cucumber, zucchini, bell peppers, carrots and kale.
- Seeds and Nuts: Chia seeds, Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, and walnuts.
- Fruits: Apple, orange, berries, cherries, pears, and grapefruit.
- Lean Protein: Tofu, chicken, eggs, and fish.
High Fiber Food:
Fibrous food helps combat insulin resistance. High fiber food reduces the speed of digestion and helps regulate blood glucose level. It also helps in body weight management. Fibrous foods to include in PCOS diet plan to get pregnant are, whole fruits, vegetables, brown rice, sprouts, and multigrain bread.
Anti-inflammatory Food:
Inflammation can cause hormonal imbalances that exacerbate PCOS. focus on an anti-inflammatory diet. It will help reduce inflammation and improve gut-microflora. Include green leafy vegetables, fatty fishes, green tea, ginger, turmeric, tomatoes, and olive oil to reduce inflammation.
Yogurt is a source of probiotics. It increases the healthy bacteria in your gut. Healthy bacterias can reduce inflammation and manage PCOS symptoms.
Intake of dietary supplements will improve fertility in PCOS women. Supplements again, will reduce insulin resistance. Omega 3 fatty acids and inositol improves metabolic function and reproductive health.
Other supplements that can improve fertility in PCOS women are calcium, vitamin-D, and chromium. Calcium and vitamin D regulate the menstrual cycle and cause weight loss. Chromium is known to stimulate ovulation.
DASH Diet:
Dietary Approaches to Stop hypertension also known as DASH diet will control the symptoms of PCOS. Studies suggest that, DASH diet reduces the cystic growth in ovaries, improves insulin resistance, and manages overweight. This diet is known to improve fertility in PCOS women.
What Not to Eat in PCOS?
Processed Snacks and Drinks: The unhealthy fats and preservatives in processed food exacerbates inflammation in PCOS. It increases the blood sugar level leading to insulin resistance. Processed food can worsen PCOS symptoms.
Few processed options you must avoid are packaged and canned snacks, frozen meals, processed meat like hot dogs and sausages, sugary cereals, and beverages like soda and energy drinks.
Refined Carbohydrates: Refined carbohydrates like potatoes, pastries, white bread, and muffins will worsen insulin resistance. Insulin resistance increases the risk of infertility in women with PCOS.
Inflammatory Food: Processed meat like canned meat, deli meat, sausages, and hotdogs, red meat, and fried foods are known inflammatory agents. It is best to avoid such food in your diet, if you are trying to manage the symptoms of PCOS.
High Sugary Food: Excess sugar will cause a spike in blood sugar level. It will worsen insulin resistance in PCOS. Strictly avoid drinks containing added sugars. Watch out for high fructose corn syrup, fructose, and sucrose in food labels.
To sum up, following a strict diet plan for a definite period of time will help manage the symptoms of PCOS. Though a diet alone cannot guarantee conception and healthy pregnancy, it can help women with PCOS to some extent. If you want to know more about the diet and lifestyle changes you need to become pregnant with PCOS, contact Motherhood Fertility & IVF Centre at 08067238900 or book an appointment with us.
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