Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Treatment: Procedure, Benefits, Cost

To know more about ICSI, its cost, success rate and other fertility-related treatments call us at 080-67238900 or click here to book your appointment with our top fertility specialists at Motherhood Fertility & IVF Centers.

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First step towards infertility is correct diagnosis and NOT treatment.


An ICSI is recommended in cases of male infertility when the man is unable to ejaculate, has blockage in the reproductive system, low sperm count, etc.
A few complications can occur with ICSI which are as follows:
  • There can be damage to some or all the eggs during needle penetration
  • An egg may not fertilize after the sperm injection
  • An embryo may stop developing in the lab or after embryo transfer
ICSI benefits those with male infertility to a greater degree than traditional IVF.

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